

       bet007足球比分_足球比分|直播 &:协会(China Horologe Association)成立于 1985年。是经原国家轻工业部批准、国家民政部批准注册登记的具有法人资格的一级社会团体,是由从事钟表生产、经营的工商企业和相关的科研、教学等机构、个人自愿组成的不分经济性质、跨地区、跨部门的全国性行业组织。 现有200多个团体会员及100多名个人会员,其中包括钟、表、钟表零配件、外观件、原材料、设备、仪器等生产企业、贸易流通单位及研究所、大专院校等。

       bet007足球比分_足球比分|直播 &:协会的宗旨是:在国家法律、法规、方针和政策的指导下,发挥政府和企业之间的桥梁和纽带作用,维护会员的合法利益,及时反映会员的要求和意愿,为会员服务;指导、帮助企业提高经营水平,促进企业提高经济效益;坚持改革创新,调整结构,促进行业不断,倡导行业构建健康的公共环境,推动行业健康、持续、快速发展。


       从2010年开始,根据企业的意愿,顺应行业发展,bet007足球比分_足球比分|直播 &:协会和深圳市钟表行业协会将“中国国际钟表展”和“中国(深圳)国际钟表展览会”合并为一展。实现“强强联合”,宜将展会办成代表bet007足球比分_足球比分|直播 &:制造大国形象和引领bet007足球比分_足球比分|直播 &:市场的一面旗帜,同时对维护行业团结,促进行业和谐发展,推动bet007足球比分_足球比分|直播 &:业的进步意义深远。举办展览会的目的是:第一,要把我们的钟表展办成行业内交流沟通的平台;第二,要把展会办成展示企业形象和实力的平台;第三,要把展会办成反映行业态势的风向标,“两展合一”的最终目标就是要打造一个世界级的东方钟表大展。

       bet007足球比分_足球比分|直播 &:协会下设“市场工作委员会”、“科学技术工作委员会”、“职业技术鉴定站”、“机械表专业委员会”、“钟表收藏委员会”等机构,是“全国钟表标准化委员会”主任委员单位。

为了向广大会员提供更好的服务,弘扬钟表文化,推动行业健康发展,扩大协会与行业的影响力,bet007足球比分_足球比分|直播 &:协会唯一官方网站www.chahor.com(网站中文名:bet007足球比分_足球比分|直播 &:协会)已经完成基本建设,从2013年8月1日起上线试运营,新版网站页面经过精心设计与制作,力求专业、权威、美观、简洁与实用,更加快捷、全面地反映行业信息与会员动态。协会提供的“bet007足球比分_足球比分|直播 &:通讯(电子版)”资讯服务,通过电子邮箱每月定期向各理事、会员单位发布。

bet007足球比分_足球比分|直播 &:协会借助中瑞自贸协定谈判的契机,针对瑞方众多品牌手表进入中国,市场监管缺位,维修服务能力不足,双方钟表检测存在差异等问题;也考虑到国产高端手表制造相对弱小,为营造促进我国表业健康发展环境,提出建立中瑞钟表合作工作组的要价建议,得到了工信部、商务部的确认,成为我方谈判的要价条件。经过反复磋商,数轮谈判终于达成了在中瑞贸易联委会框架下建立中瑞钟表合作工作组的谅解备忘录。



    一年一度的瑞士巴塞尔“世界钟表珠宝展览会”是世界钟表业规模最大的展览会,我会是巴展组委会指定的也是国家商务部、中国贸促会批复的在全国范围内唯一组团单位。每年都组织业界同仁作为bet007足球比分_足球比分|直播 &:业的代表参加并参观“瑞士巴塞尔钟表珠宝展”。

 bet007足球比分_足球比分|直播 &:协会愿与世界各地的朋友、协会和机构建立友好合作关系,协会与瑞士、日本、德国、法国、英国等钟表发达国家的行业组织保持着密切友好的往来。

    协会欢迎从事与钟表生产、销售有关的各方人士与我们进行各种形式的交流与合作,并加入bet007足球比分_足球比分|直播 &:协会,逐步实现从中国制造飞跃到中国创造的宏伟战略目标,共同为实现钟表强国之梦贡献我们的力量!

A Brief Introduction of China Horologe Association



China Horologe Association (CHA) was established in March 1985. CHA is served as the Chairman Unit of the National Watch Standardization Technical Committee. CHA is also the representative of CHA in the Working Group on Cooperation Regarding Watches and Clocks under the Switzerland-China Joint Commission on Trade, the representative of member country in the leaders' meeting of international watch industry organizations, the sponsor member of the Asian Horological Trade and Industry Promotion Conference, and the founding member of the China Watch Federation.

The total number of CHA unit members is 214, including 25 clock manufacturers, 93 watch manufacturers, 12 watch and clock accessories plants, 36 traders, 28 retailers, 7 scientific research and teaching institutions, and 10 local horologe organizations.

According to the characteristics and development needs of the horologe industry, CHA sets up 8 professional committees at present composed of backbone enterprises. They are Mechanical Watch Committee, Scientific and Technological Committee, Radio Watch and Clock Committee, Design Committee, Market Committee, Collecting Research Committee, Smart Watch Committee as well as Maintenance Committee.

The objective of AHC is to play the role of a bridge and link between its members and the government; safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of its members; reflect the demands and wishes of its members; guide and help enterprises to improve their management; adhere to reform and innovation, adjust the structure, improve the development environment, and promote the healthy, sustainable and high-quality development of the industry.

The main function of AHC is to carry out industry survey and research to reflect the wishes of the industry; collect the basic data and statistics, provide domestic and foreign technical and market information; assist in the preparation of industry development plans and economic and technological policies; coordinate internal and external relations in the industry and participate in the decision-making of major projects in the industry; put forward proposals for the development of new technologies, processes, products and materials in the industry; organize key research and achievement appraisal and promotion of major scientific and technological projects; organize technical exchanges and training, and carry out technical consulting services; promote product quality and implement brand strategy; hold domestic professional exhibitions to promote exchanges and trade between domestic and foreign enterprises; explore international markets; carry out international exchanges and cooperation in the fields of economy, technology and enterprise management; participate in product quality supervision as well as management and standard setting and revision; edit and publish industry publications; undertake various tasks assigned by relevant government departments.

The CHA gives full play to its role as a platform. It has carried out fruitful work in technological innovation, quality improvement, standardization construction, industrial cluster construction, brand cultivation, vocational education and training, international exchanges, collection research, etc.

The CHA has established good cooperative relations with associations and institutions in Switzerland, Japan, Germany, France and other developed countries and regions in horologe industry, maintained close exchanges and promoted the development of Chinese horologe industry.

Today's horologe industry needs a perfect combination of manufacturing and service. Personalized, customized and digitalized production is the direction of development. Using technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain and the Internet of Things to promote industrial upgrading, China's horologe industry is facing unprecedented development opportunities and vigorous vitality.



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